[P1] Airport not waking after sleep...antenna problem

e.mkeene e.mkeene at wap.org
Mon Aug 2 20:20:50 PDT 2004

It is a major take apart. That of course is relative to your degree of 
confidence. You do have to take apart a lot of the case and the lcd to 
expose the hinge canal. The folks at smalldog.com had a tech article 
which was written by one of their customers who tackled it under the 
same circumstances as you are in. Send them an email to locate the 
article for you.The wiring harness is about $25 and they carry it. They 
would also probably be able to confirm whether this is actually your 
problem. Use the email: techtails at smalldog.com and it will go straight 
to the tech guys. They also write a weekly newsletter that usually has 
some good tech tips in it.

On Monday, August 2, 2004, at 07:12  PM, iBook List wrote:

> I see. Is this something that would be simple enough to try and fix, 
> or =
> am I
> looking at sending it away?  I'm hoping to hear that it isn't like =
> replacing
> a hard drive.

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