[iBook] External F/W Drive no longer boots

Eric Richardson lbyron at comcast.net
Wed Dec 29 16:36:43 PST 2004

>Hi All,
>A few days ago my iBook stopped sleeping and the call to Applecare 
>resulted in the Tech person telling me to "archive and install", 
>which I did, it didn't change the sleeping issue. It did cause me to 
>have to make lots of changes to the configuration to get back to 
>where my system was before.
>That's about when I noticed that my external 80gig F/W drive stopped 
>booting. I was trying to maintain this drive as a security backup in 
>case my iBook stopped working, I could move the external drive to my 
>G4 350MhZ and have all of my files and applications intact.

>I'm thinking about using Carbon Copy Cloner to see if I can get a 
>bootable system on the external drive, but I'd like to ask everyone 
>about other possible solutions first.
>Thanks for your time !
>Keith Parker

You should be able to install a Mac system to that Hard Drive.

If not that, CCC can probably work.

Another option is BootCD, which will read your current system and 
compile a disk image from the cotents that are on your drive that you 
can then burn to make a bootable startup CD, and it allows you as 
well to install emergency software that can repair your drives like 
DiskWarrior etc. That disk image could just as well be stored on an 
external drive.

Eric Richardson

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