[P1] iWanna Tell Ya

Robert Newman rlnewmanitools at mac.com
Sat Jul 24 17:55:15 PDT 2004


When I was a scoutmaster, we taught our scouts to respect the president, 
and our country!  I hope you don't try to force your political agenda on 
them, let them make up their own minds.  As for me and my family and 
friends, we will vote for Bush! May God bless him.

Keeping this Mac related:  Anybody have a Clamshell iBook 300Mhz or 
better for sale for not over $300, shipping included?

Robert Newman

Bill Raffensperger wrote:

> As my iBook 600 approaches the end of my 3 years of Apple Care 
> (12-14-04), I can happily report I never had to send it to Houston. 
> But I did finagle a new battery out of them about a year ago. I 
> understand Apple won't do that anymore, oh well. Now the "new" battery 
> is experiencing shorter life, so I find I need to plug in as I move 
> around the house. One thing I find invaluable is the tiny Madsonline 
> adapter that enables the old yoyo power supply to plug into my ibook. 
> I have a couple of the yoyos around the house, so there is power handy 
> wherever I happen to be.
> I have been using a 25 foot wire to plug my iBook into the back of my 
> stereo to pipe my iTunes thru the house. This week the AirPort Express 
> showed up, and now that wire has been retired. I'm still tethered to 
> power, but is nice to get rid of that  black wire snaking over to the 
> receiver. We also stuck a printer there by the stereo, so now there is 
> a network printer upstairs and downstairs.
> I do a newsletter for the scouts. Created in AppleWorks, posted as a 
> pdf online. You can look for it on my iDisk - dowhatyoulike. Whenever 
> I put pictures in it, the file would get huge, over a meg, which for 
> the dial-up folks was too big. My solution had been to make the 
> newsletter on my old desktop Mac in Mac OS 9.1, then open the file on 
> the iBook. This kept the pdf around 150K. My old Mac won't boot, for 
> reasons I haven't figured out yet, so I had to make the newsletter on 
> my iBook last weekend. I used PDFshrink to reduce the size of the file 
> 90%. Very cool drag and drop program. Likely will end up buying it.
> And lastly, we made it to MacWorld Boston, last week. Read about it 
> here: <http://www.hersheyapplecore.com/forum/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi>, 
> click on News, then MacWorld Boston. The Hershey Apple Core has a nice 
> forum, but it's kind of underutilized.
> I got two bumper stickers on my minivan: BUSH IS A LIAR and DEFEND 
> AMERICA - DEFEAT BUSH. I figure it is time to commit to defend our 
> democracy, which is at greater risk than ever before. Looks like the 
> bump from the convention might be an insurmountable obstacle for the 
> Bushies. But watch out folks, they will do almost anything as 
> desperation sets in. Mark my word, they are going down. It might even 
> be a landslide refutation of the entire mess they have created. 
> Wouldn't that be sweet.
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