Adding 512MB to clamshell

Marc van Gemert listz at
Wed Mar 3 08:19:14 PST 2004

I took the plunge and ordered 512MB low profile for my 466 SE Graphite 
:-) Just heard it was delivered this afternoon!

A while ago when installing Panther with only 96MB RAM the installer 
said it could not install 'Essentials', but worked fine for the rest. 
Running 10.3.2 now, of course slowly (and the Airport doesn't remember 
my WAP when it goes to sleep after the 10.3.2 and Airport update 
anymore, but I saw that there's even a newer Aiport update).

Now my question, do I need 'Essentials', if so is there a way of 
installing it manually, should I re-install the 10.3.2 update, or should 
I do a complete re-install??


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