[iBook] Trackpad/cursor problems w/ Safari (OT?)

patdart patdart at cox-internet.com
Thu Nov 18 19:25:55 PST 2004

I've wondered about that...and I have some OS9 programs I don't want to 
lose.  So, I've stayed at 10.2.8 and will keep one computer at that for 
awhile.  Luckily, I have two notebooks...and iBook and a G4 400 PB.  
Think I'll keep the PB and trade in the iBook when the time comes.

On Thursday, November 18, 2004, at 07:55 PM, Valerie Maples wrote:

>  My only complaint time my G5 that came shipped with
> 10.3.5 is there is no System 9 for classic applications.
> Good luck!
> Valerie


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