[iBook] 512mb iBook

Judy Castles-Bentley jkcbteach at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 24 04:44:45 PDT 2005

I ordered an iBook for my office and requested extra memory but they only 
got me the standard 512. I am wondering the same thing.

J. B.

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From:  <i>Larry Kollar &lt;kollar at alltel.net&gt;</i><br>Reply-To:  
<i>&quot;A place to discuss Apple's iBook computers.&quot; 
&lt;ibook at listserver.themacintoshguy.com&gt;</i><br>To:  <i>&quot;A place to 
discuss Apple's iBook computers.&quot; 
&lt;ibook at listserver.themacintoshguy.com&gt;</i><br>Subject:  <i>Re: [iBook] 
512mb iBook</i><br>Date:  <i>Tue, 23 Aug 2005 20:10:29 -0400</i><br>&gt;Jeff 
Siler wrote:<br>&gt;<br>&gt;&gt;I just purchases a 12&quot; iBook G4 1.33.  
The newest versions come <br>&gt;&gt;stock<br>&gt;&gt;with 512mb ddr 2700 
memory.<br>&gt;&gt;<br>&gt;&gt;Will this be enough for most tasks?  I have a 
high end gaming PC I <br>&gt;&gt;use<br>&gt;&gt;for games, and I got the 
iBook to surf the web, chat, sync my ipod,<br>&gt;&gt;and do very best web 
development.<br>&gt;&gt;<br>&gt;&gt;Would it really be worth it to upgrade 
to 1gb of memory, or will <br>&gt;&gt;512mb<br>&gt;&gt;suite me alright for 
the near future.<br>&gt;<br>&gt;512MB should be sufficient for that type of 
work. Things might run a <br>&gt;  little faster with more 
RAM.<br>&gt;<br>&gt;I have a G3/900 MHz iBook with 640MB, and I've only 
bogged it down a <br>&gt;  couple of times (had what The Register calls 
&quot;world + dog&quot; open).<br>&gt;<br>&gt;So see how it runs; if you're 
happy with the speed as-is, don't <br>&gt;worry  about upgrading right away. 
As you gravitate more and more to <br>&gt;using  the iBook constantly (which 
you *will* do, especially if you <br>&gt;have an  Airport card), you may 
want to re-think that.<br>&gt;<br>&gt;--<br>&gt;Larry Kollar    k  o  l  l  
a  r  @  a  l  l  t  e  l  .  n  e  t<br>&gt;&quot;The hardest part of all 
this is the part that requires thinking.&quot;<br>&gt;-- Paul Tyson, on 
list<br>&gt;iBook at listserver.themacintoshguy.com<br>&gt;http://listserver.themacintoshguy.com/mailman/listinfo/ibook<br>&gt;<br>&gt;Listmom 
is trying to clean out his closets! Vintage Mac and random 

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