[iBook] Re: iBook Digest, Vol 10, Issue 11

Robin Mayhall robin at hieran.com
Wed Jun 29 19:27:39 PDT 2005

Hi all,

I have a G3 iBook - the 900 MHz white one with 12" display -- and
     lately I've had trouble maintaining my DSL connection via an ethernet
     cable from laptop to DSL modem. It seems like the end of the cable,
     the connector part that actually plugs into the ethernet port, is
     "loose" or easily moved out of place. As long as I have it situated
     just right, I am fine, but if I move too much, or one of my cats
     walks over my lap, the cable twitches out of place and I temporarily
     lose my connection. Then I have to fiddle with it/jiggle it to make
     it come back. (This can be particularly frustrating when I am gaming!)

     I tried just unplugging the cable and switching ends -- plugging into
     the laptop the end that *was* plugged into the DSL modem. That didn't
     help. So I don't think buying a new cable is going to help, unless
     *both* plug-ends are messed up/worn out.

     Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

robin at hieran.com

Three things in human life are important: The first is to be kind. 
The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. --Henry James

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