As a matter of public responsibility I wanted to report a successful disk upgrade of a 12" ibook G3 800 MHz. I used Graham Cox's instructions for the ibook G3/500 Mhz. His instructions are very+ useful even though the innards you will see vary a little from his photographs. I used a 80 GB Hitachi Travelstar drive, 7200 rpm, ATA-100. The height of this drive is 9.5 mm, same as the original IBM drive. I believe the icebook's bus can only do ATA-66, but the drive works fine in that mode. If I had to do it again, I would use more magic marker pens to draw on the rf shields etc. inside the machine, to help reassembly. Also, I used separate containers for each subassembly's screws and that was not really adequate. The procedure took longer than I expected; longer than my short-term memory extinction time, so having better drawings and fastener organization would have helped do reassembly. Also, I should probably have replaced the fan, since it is so much work to get in there, it would be a smart thing to replace in a 3 year old machine. Difficult areas are 1) getting the outer shell to release from the frame. This takes a lot of gumption, and just the right blend of finess and brutality to accomplish without damage. 2) releasing the keyboard ribbon cable retainer. 3) releasing the upper RF shield from the frame. This shield is held down at its center by double-adhesive tape which is not visible anywhere. I got all the screws out and was perplexed as to why it still would not release. I was impressed with the number of possible holes that did not in fact contain fasteners. I would have thought this would have been a smart investment of a few grams, as I think it would make the machine tougher. Whatever, apple must know what it is doing. When I went to install an OS, I was surprised when the install CD did not see the new drive. In mac land you have to build a file system on the drive before the installer will find it. Hmpf. It's no problem, just a bit terrifying if the drive lies behind so much disassembly and one is not expecting it. HTH Stefan K.