[iBook] After the drive is in.

vwmai vwmail at mindspring.com
Thu Mar 2 04:11:04 PST 2006

Subject machine iBook G3/600

I need help/advice with two topics.

Topic 1 - Formatting Drive
I bought the drive from OWC (www.macsales.com) but I don't know if it 
will arrive apple formated or not. My goal is to have all the apps from 
my G4 on the iBook. To that end it seems to the best way to do that is 
dump the contents (restore disk image) on the HD into the iBook. I have 
the startup (user files, os 10.3.9, apps) on the G4 backed up using CCC 
on an external USB 2.0 drive. The iBook is USB 1.2 so that's a no go. 
Both machines do have Firewire so can I hook them up and start the 
iBook in target disk mode and simply restore the disk image on the USB 
drive to the iBook through FireWire? That seems possible but does there 
have to he some sort of OS on the HD of the iBook?

Back in the OS 10.0 and 10.1 days it seems like you had to have 9.2 on 
the drive before you could install 10.x. If you didn't you were 
screwed. However, I do recall that when swapped HDs in the old G3/233 
rev B iMac I forgot about that. The machine had 10.2 on it and I just 
went in and loaded 9.2 and classic worked fine. Can I do that in the 
case. On the G4 i have a 5gig partition with 9.2 on it. I dont really 
want to repeat that with the iBook.


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