[iBook] Stuck in Darwin....

Angus Wallace angus.wallace at flinders.edu.au
Thu Mar 16 16:21:48 PST 2006


Don't be embarrased - If I listed all the stupid things I've done to break my
computer, I'd be flooding the list. Doing something to break a system is a good
way to learn! ;-) Having said that - leave the system folder alone, unless you
really know what you're doing (that's for the benefit of the list, Matt - I'm
sure you've learnt your lesson! ;-)

"bounces into the bash shell for
> Darwin to ask me to log in"

does that mean it's a regular multi-user login? In that case, why did you go to
single-user mode? was a lack of user permissions the reason?

I guess the most obvious thing to check is that you've copied the fonts back
properly. check that they're there, as they should be, and if so check the
permissions of those fonts.

>> cd /System/Library/Fonts/
>> ls -l

you should see lists like this

-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   3377326 Mar 21  2005 LastResort.dfont

if the pattern of letters on the left is different, that means your permissions
are set incorrectly. If that's the case, you might not have read access to the
fonts, which would make OSX unhappy! ;-)

If that's the case, we'll deal with it (easy! ;-), but let's take it a step at a

Hang in there!

Quoting ibooklist2 at matthurst.fastmail.fm:

> This is slightly embarrassing

> Trying to sort out some alleged font ‘corruption’ on my iBook, I moved
> my System fonts (not the User ones) from the System/Library/Fonts folder
> and put them on my desktop. I know now this was an unwise thing to have
> done. Anyhow, my iBook started bleating, so I rebooted, trusting in Jobs
> that all would sort itself out. I know now this was an even less wise
> thing to have done, as it didn’t.
> I’m stuck now with an iBook that boots up fine – Apple screen, etc - as
> far as finding my wifi network, then it bounces into the bash shell for
> Darwin to ask me to log in.
> I’ve booted up into single user mode and used the command line to move
> the fonts back where they should be (stretching my command lining to the
> limit), but the iBook still refuses to boot into Aqua. All my files are
> there, just no GUI.
> So, um, to put it in a nutshell, HELP!
> Matt
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