[iMac] iMac New or Old Revisited

Peter Apockotos mastermacchief at gmail.com
Sat Jan 14 15:07:50 PST 2006

On Jan 14, 2006, at 2:13 PM, Mike Longo wrote:

> I asked this question a few days ago, but now that some of you are  
> actually getting your machines, I'll ask it again:
> I was all set to order a new iMac G-5 to replace my aging stock  
> Cube (I also have a 1 G. Titanium Powerbook that serves as the  
> traveling work computer) when, POOF!...there is now an option: G-5  
> or Intel Dual Core.
> On the one hand, I hate to be a guinea pig and try the first  
> generation of anything. The G-5 chipset is a known quantity.
> On the other hand, assuming the marketing hype isn't too over the  
> top, speed is a good thing. And the fact that all Macs will move to  
> the Intel chips this year tells me that the long term support for  
> the Intel chip versions of software and hardware will be better in  
> the long run.
> I don't use the computer for the Pro apps, so that isn't a factor.
> I do a bit of digital photography and video, and pretty much use my  
> current desktop Mac for the typical consumer stuff- a bit of  
> iMovie, etc.
> So, I am asking you experts: what do you think? Intel Dual Core or  
> stick with the G-5?
> Thanks again for the collective wisdom and hands on experience.

Again, go with the Intel!

Peter Apockotos

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