re-evaluate the sound levels?

Greg greg at
Tue Feb 25 13:29:54 PST 2003

On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 07:19 pm, iTunesList wrote:

>>>> Is there anyway to have iTunes re-evaluate the sound levels of all 
>>>> the
>>>> songs?
> [snip]
>> 'Scuse me, Chums, but isn't this exactly what the 'Sound check' option
>> in iTunes 'Effects' preferences is for?
> Notice the original message. He wasn't satisfied with sound check's
> results.

    True... and I was mostly hoping that there was some "command" that 
would make iTunes 're-evaluate' the sound check option. Since I have 2 
different music libraries (one with over 19k songs, and the other with 
over 24k songs), deleting and re-adding the songs would be prohibitive 
at best (plus I'd lose the ratings for each song).
    Thanks anyway all...

"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest."
      - Mark Twain

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