[iTunes] Re: iTunes Folder

Ron Skinner rskinner at lvcm.com
Thu Jul 31 17:45:54 PDT 2003

On Thursday, July 31, 2003, at 04:19  AM, Vincent Cayenne wrote:

> At 8:07 PM -0700 7/29/03, Kunga wrote:
>> When you delete a song from the library it is only an ALIAS you are 
>> removing. You must go to the file in the folder of the album to 
>> delete the FILE if you really want to delete a song from your hard 
>> drive.
> Why not simply use Command-Delete? That way you can delete the library 
> entry and the actual file in one fell swoop.

I believe this only works if the file is located in your designated 
music folder. If it's located on another volume, as is often the case 
for those of us with very large libraries, only the iTunes listing is 
deleted. In this case, the best method is using Command + R to locate 
the file as outlined earlier. Let's hope the next iTunes version will 
track the files across multiple volumes and folders.


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