iTunes unexpectedly Quits on start-up

Ted Alger silentwind262 at
Mon Oct 20 17:42:08 PDT 2003

what does the crash log for itunes say is the reason for the crash?

On Monday, Oct 20, 2003, at 20:28 US/Eastern, iTunesList wrote:
> Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 16:49:07 -0400
> Subject: [iTunes] iTunes unexpectedly Quits on start-up
> From: Don Linares <don.linares at>
> Message-Id: <D9650AF2-033E-11D8-8137-003065C18F5A at>
> Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
> I updated to my OS to 10.2.8 from 10.2.6,
> I updated Quicktime 6.0 to 6.4.
> and updated iTunes 4.0.1 to 4.1.
> Everything is working except iTunes, which quits at start up.
> I've done it all. I dumped the preferences files, repaired permissions,
> and even dumped iTunes an re-installed.
> Then I ran Diskwarrior and optimized the OS 10 drive.
> No good iTunes still quits at start-up.
> I'm looking to you knowledgeable folks. maybe someone here knows
> something, cause i cant find a discussion about this on Apples sight,
> and what ever is discussed goes unheeded by Apple.

'Remember the final scene in "Return of the Jedi," when Luke gazes
  into a fire to see Obi-Wan, Yoda and Vader, smiling in the flames? I
  found myself hoping it was Jedi Hell, for the amount of pain those  
  unleashed on their galaxy, and for all the damned lies they told.'
                - David Brin

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