[iTunes] iPod USB

John Griffin jwegriffin at mac.com
Mon Nov 22 13:28:38 PST 2004

Kirk McElhearn typed this message on 11/16/04 2:54 AM:

>> What (if any) experience has anyone had using a 'Windows' iPod
>> formatted to Mac and using it with a 1.1 USB port? Apple doesn't
>> recommend it, but seems like it would work, just slow.
> Yes, it will indeed work. But, as you say, it's slow. If you don't often
> transfer music, it's doable, but if you want to transfer often, I'd
> recommend buying a USB2 or FireWire card for your PC.

If you have a Powerbook you could get a PCMCIA USB 2.0 card. They are not
that expensive and from what I hear they work rather well.


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