[iTunes] converting .aiff files to .mp3

Lynda Farabee farabee at sptc.net
Thu Sep 22 12:36:39 PDT 2005

At 4:26 PM +0200 9/22/05, Kirk McElhearn wrote:
>On Sep 22, 2005, at 4:06 PM, Lynda Farabee wrote:
>>>>Altho I can work with the individual sermon files on the CD 
>>>>provided by PC person, I have to use Audion.  iTunes doesn't 
>>>>recognize the CD. It's on my desktop but not seen through iTunes. 
>>>>They are .wma files.
>>>Hold on - you're working with .wma files? How? A CD should give 
>>>WAV/AIFF files...
>>I'm sorry...not clear.....a PC person takes the CD iTunes can't 
>>work with, puts the sermon file on the CD and gives it to me. That 
>>file is .wma  That's what I finally convert to mp3 thru Audion.  I 
>>never did it this way before.
>>Originally I had .aiff files but now iTunes won't convert them.  Is 
>>this more clear?
>I still don't understand. Why do you get a wma file? That's a 
>compressed Windows Media Player file...

I don't - DO NOT_ get a wma file originally. I get that from my 
helper. She gives me a CD with the file on it that she has gotten 
from the original CD which I can't do anything with. I don't know how 
she gets the wma file. I know the original file is aiff on the 
original CD is aiff.
http://www.eddfarabee.com/    and        http://www.fpc-levelland.org

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