[iTunes] Conversion

Jim Manley jpmanley at gmail.com
Wed May 17 19:43:06 PDT 2006

But it won't convert wma files.
James Paul Manley
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Jim Manley's Photoshop Elements Page

On May 17, 2006, at 6:12 PM, Philip J Robar wrote:

> On May 17, 2006, at 3:58 PM, Philip J Robar wrote:
>> On May 17, 2006, at 3:31 PM, Jim Manley wrote:
>>> I have some songs in .wma & I want to convert them to mp3 & put  
>>> them into Itunes.
>> Max: http://sbooth.org/Max/
>> Warning, there's a bug in the current version. If you're out put  
>> target is MP3 you have to select, deselect, the reselect MP3 in  
>> the Format Preferences window to make it stick.
>> I currently using Max to convert all of my Apple loss-less encoded  
>> songs to MP3.
> Max is the only Mac program I know of that converts Apple loss-less  
> to MP3. The only other program I could find that does this is a  
> commercial Windows program whose name I don't remember at the moment.
> Phil
> --
> "The United States is putting together a Constitution now for Iraq.  
> Why don't we just give them ours? It's served us well for 200  
> years, and we don't appear to be using it anymore, so what the hell?"
> --Jay Leno
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