I wholeheartedly agree. I do it regularly, but I use YASU Janitor., basically the same thing a Applejack. In fact I had done the maintenance about 24 hours before the iTunes CD burning problem. I really suspect that installing the iTunes upgrade had something to do with the corruption. But I haven't heard of others experiencing the same thing. So perhaps it had another cause. John > > Even Macs are happier with some basic maintenance procedures, two > of which is to do disk repair and repair permissions occasionally > using Disk Utility. To easily deal with corrupt preference files, > which are not all that uncommon, try Preferential Treatment. It > verifies preference files and identifies and isolates corrupt ones. > You can get it at versiontracker.com. > > Something even better is AppleJack. It performs 5 maintenance > procedures sequentially: > 1 Repair Disk > 2 Repair Permissions > 3 Verify Preference files > 4 Empty caches > 5 Deletes Swap files > > Read about it and download it from here <http:// > applejack.sourceforge.net/>