[iTunes] Streaming Video Question

Dale Shera dshera at mac.com
Tue Oct 21 23:25:05 PDT 2008

On Oct 21, 2008, at 9:24 PM, Mike wrote:

> I have 4 computers set up to share a network connection via Airport.  
> All of these machines are authorized to play video and music  
> purchased through iTunes.
> Is there a way to watch a purchased video on one of the machines via  
> the network without actually loading that particular video onto the  
> hard drive of the machine you are watching the video on?
> Thanks!

Sure, there is. On each machine, open iTunes. Then, from the menu bar,  
go to "iTunes" and select "Preferences." Click on the "Sharing" tab  
and check the box beside "Look for shared libraries". Now, check the  
box beside "Share my library on my local network." If you want to  
share everything in your library, check the circle beside "Share your  
entire library", click "OK" and you're done. If you only want to share  
selected items in your library, check the circle beside "Share  
selected playlists." Then, check the box beside each of the playlists  
that you want to share and click "OK."

After you've gone through these steps on all four of your machines,  
you should be able to see each machine in the "Devices" list on the  
left hand side of the iTunes browser window. Click on the machine that  
has the content you want to watch, navigate to the proper playlist,  
select the file you want and double click on it. Your video (or audio)  
should start playing. And, that's all it takes to share files in your  
iTunes libraries--there's no need to copy files around from machine to  
machine, or hard drive to hard drive.



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