[iTunes] unsubscribe

nmurray at netcore.ca nmurray at netcore.ca
Tue Feb 10 18:10:08 PST 2009

On 7-Feb-09, at 12:39 PM, Becca wrote:

> ain't nothing I can do. iTunes is designed to download podcasts  
> whenever they come available. Yes, I can set the time, but no, it  
> won't make any difference.
> so. My options seem to be to do nothing and take the download hit,  
> or set iTunes to only download once a week and either stay up late  
> or get up early once a week and do my downloads by hand.
> I requested that they put in a setting to allow people to time their  
> podcast downloads, and he said he'd do so.
> in the process, iTunes bombed on me again, and I lost my library.  
> I'd backed up my library about 2 weeks ago, but downloaded several  
> things since then. They're on my iPod, however, so I can recover...  
> but it's still annoying. And iTunes seems to write copies of the  
> library file all over the place on my computer. As soon as I find  
> the most up to date library, I'm going to delete all the other ones.
> I think I hate iTunes. Pity I love my iPod so much!
> -becca
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