[iTunes] Smart Playlist problem with iTunes 9.0.1 and iPod Touch

Connie Bortnick thebortnicks at shaw.ca
Tue Sep 29 07:37:10 PDT 2009

  Please remove me from your email list.
Connie Bortnick

On Sep 29, 2009, at 1:11 AM, Dale Shera wrote:

> On Sep 28, 2009, at 8:27 AM, Greg McNeil wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I like to shuffle thru all of the songs on my iPod Touch before I  
>> hear any of them again and to make that automatic I created a  
>> smart playlist with two conditions.  The first named the playlist  
>> from which the songs would come and the second specified that the  
>> date the songs last played is before a certain date.  With this  
>> smart playlist every time a song would play, the number of songs  
>> on the list would be reduced by one song.  When all the songs on  
>> the list had played I would reset the last played date to the  
>> current date and the smart playlist would repopulate.
> Just to be clear. Are you creating this Smart Playlist after  
> clicking on your iPod Touch in the 'Devices' section of the iTunes  
> window? Or, are you creating it when you have the 'Music' section  
> of your Library selected and just synching that playlist to your  
> iPod Touch? If you're doing the latter, it's just a regular  
> playlist to the iPod Touch and that's your issue.
> The rest of your criteria for this Smart Playlist look good. It  
> tried it, played a track, and watched the number of track in the  
> playlist diminish from 260 tracks to 259.
> Dale
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