[iTunes] Combining "orphan" songs (unknown album)

Kirk McElhearn kirkmc at mac.com
Tue Sep 21 02:17:13 PDT 2010

On Sep 21, 2010, at 11:04 AM, James Hubbell wrote:

> I'd like to chime in here with something I've wondered.  Is it possible to give them all same album name with a sub-name that the Album  column ignores.  E.g., using a : or ; or some other character.  I put a lot of 45 singles info (e.g. United Artist  #6001) in the Album area but would love to have those all be 'one' master album.

To do that, give them all the names you want, then in the Sort Album field, on the Sorting pane, for all the tracks, just put the "short" album name you want to see. That should work.


*Author of Take Control of iTunes 10: The FAQ*
Twitter: @mcelhearn

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