[CUBE] Case Lighting (was: Here's a scary idea...from the dark side)

Sean Terrill a10t2 at mac.com
Sat Nov 30 09:58:33 PST 2002

Quoth Randy Spencer (israndy at yahoo.com) at 11/30/02 11:18:

> Has anyone done anything interesting with their cube to make them
> particularly noticable?  I know Apple put them on translucent plastic with
> light coming for below for MacWorld, but they have done that with their old
> iMac line too.  This neon look of the IceCube mentioned below intrigues me.

I have an LED fan in the base of mine.

http://a10t2.cjb.net/cube.html - unfortunately the server won't be up until

Sean Terrill
a10t2 at mac.com
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