Yes you need to keep the fan on the video card GPU for a GeForce 3 card and eventually that fan will fail. The alternative is the heatsink cooled Radeon 7500 TwinView Apple OEM which I have for sale. It's the fastest video card you can put in a Cube without a GPU fan and it's TwinView. Kunga On Saturday, November 30, 2002, at 10:53 AM, Joel Pelletier wrote: > If I install the 1gig > upgrade, which has its own fan, do I need to keep the fan on the video > card > running as well, or can I disconnect it? I have NEVER had heat problems > with the unit (and miss the VERY quiet old but slower video card), and > only > keep some little 1/4" rubber feet on each corner to raise it up a bit > and > allow for a bit more venting. > > Joel Pelletier >