[CUBE] Urgent - on site- kernel panic

Brenda Mitchell bmitchell at databanque.net
Fri Apr 18 14:55:45 PDT 2003

David, Alan, Rick, Eagle

Thanks guys. We're gonna drag the cube back to our home/office. Client 
is away for the weekend so we have until Sunday to "fix" it and return 
to her office (40 miles away - which is one BIG reason we were trying 
to NOT have to take it.)

We have several things to look at now and will post anything we find.

This machine was only having minor issues before the upgrade to 10.2.5. 
There is a directly connected Epson C82, keyboard & mouse - only USB 

We are kicking and screaming into this "weird" UNIX world. Never wanted 
to have to do terminal, etc.....that's why we had Macs. Sorry, I know 
that Alan, etc consider us absolutely primitive with such an attitude, 
but from user standpoint - the 9 world WORKED! Sharing files across 
local networks was as simple as making a user and sharing a file with 
them. This same client goes ballistic when a staff person's machine 
tells her she doesn't have sufficient privileges to trash something, 
etc. Actually, I go ballistic about the same issues.

Thanks again for the prompt support.

On Friday, April 18, 2003, at 05:35  PM, David Flory wrote:

> On Friday, April 18, 2003, at 01:33  PM, Brenda Mitchell wrote:
>> Working with a client's cube on premise. Has been having minor 
>> problems (AOL & other apps unexpectedly quit, etc). Uses Classic 
>> constantly (Word Perfect.)
>> Have reset PRAM, Norton, fsck, MacJanitor, etc. Loaded 10.2.5 combo 
>> (not from Software Updater) and now getting Kernel panics.
> I'm where you are. I've spent days trying to figure this one out, many 
> people with this problem have found it's localized to USB 
> hubs/devices. I've still got panics with only my mouse and keyboard 
> and haven't gotten around to trying 10.2.5 with even those removed. If 
> you look at /Library/logs/panic.log you should find the panic.log as 
> listed in this path. If you look at it you'll probably see something 
> about iousb etc. which makes me think that there is indeed something 
> about USB screwed up in 10.2.5 because all my stuff worked fine up 
> thru' 10.2.4 and started panicing witht the developer seed of 10.2.5. 
> Search the Apple Knowledgebase for panic report and you'll find 
> several docs about this.
Brenda E. Mitchell
DataBanque Consulting, Inc.
Miami, FL
Apple only consulting since 1978

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