On Monday, February 10, 2003, at 11:38 PM, Kenneth Strain wrote: > I have a Cube hooked up to a Motu 828 firewire audio interface. I use > this > to feed sound to a 200W amp and Blue Room minipod speakers, and also > listen > through a set of headphones. When I playback music through iTunes, > there is > always some distortion, no matter how much I tweak with the various > levels. > When I use Audion, the distortion is gone, and the it sounds really > clean. > This was happening in OS 9.2.2, and I just upgraded to 10.2.3, and the > exact > same problem remains. I prefer the interface of iTunes, but the sound > of > Audion is so much better and cleaner. Any ideas or comments? > > -Ken > did you try turning off sound enhancement?