[CUBE] www being strange after 10.2.4

Tom Davidson TomD_ALG at robotgroup.org
Fri Feb 21 08:19:32 PST 2003

I'll concur with the TCP/IP problem diagnosis..

If you've got another computer's drive mounted on your desktop
and can retrieve files from it, then you have bi-directional ethernet
up and running, AppleTalk, I assume. So it's really localized to just
the TCP/IP software or it's configuration.

How to fix it? (insert blank look here)  I'd suggest one of the OSX webpages
like OSX-zone or maybe Macfixit, or macslash, this is deep-geek territory
if you've got the settings right, and since the iMac works, it seems you do.

But just to make sure, swap ethernet cables between machines, swap ports
on your hub/switch/router, powercycle everything on your network

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