My son did his first install of OS 10 beta on one of the original Bondi iMacs with 160 MgB of RAM. He kept it on there for the summer before the final 10.1 came out just to play around with it. It ran, but very slow. I have since gotten the machine back from him and reformatted and reinstalled 9.2.2 and put it in my classroom. I use 10.2.3 on my cube and new iBook 700, but not in the classroom, since there is very little educational software available for 10 yet. I have a Wallstreet PB 233 that also ran 10 very, very slowly. From these experiences, I have not installed 10 on any G3 machines because it bogs them down. My husband uses the PB with 9.2.2 installed for email and web surfing, and it works just fine. On Sunday, January 5, 2003, at 01:11 PM, Hal wrote: > This is a little off-topic, but I'm hoping for some insight. I > recenty inherited an original 233mHz iMac from my parents (they > upgraded to a flat-panel model). I was considering adding some memory > and giving it to my in-laws, as they're currently without a computer. > They're not gamers and will only be using the computer for email, > web-browsing and word processing. > > Does anyone have experience running jaguar on a 233mHz iMac? All of my > machines are now running OSX , so I'd rather set it up with OSX than > OS9, because it'll be easier for me to troubleshoot over the phone if > they have questions. > > Any help is appreciated. > > -Hal > Ann Billups abillups at