[CUBE] Classic from Jaguar?

Laurie A Duncan laurie at cubeowner.com
Tue Jan 7 05:07:14 PST 2003

Sure you can. Just drag a 9.1 or later system folder over and then select
that folder from the Classic System Preference Panel as your Classic system

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On 1/7/03 7:37 AM, roscoe at macunlimited.net typeth:

> I have just installed Jaguar on my cube but am unable to run any
> classic apps.  When I try it says
> ' Classic startup found no system folder on the boot volume from which
> to start Classic'
> then goes on to tell me to install 9.1 from a disk.  I only have a 9.04
> disk and the 9.1 in compressed download form on the hard drive.  Any
> ideas how I can get Classic back on to the Cube.  I still have my iMac.
> Can I transfer it via firewire somehow?
> Thanks
> Rossi

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