[CUBE] We Can Have SuperDrive "Inside" Now

abillups at mac.com abillups at mac.com
Fri Jan 10 18:55:03 PST 2003

Ok, with all this discussion about using a DVR-104 on the cube and all 
of the hacks, can someone tell me if there is any software other than 
iDVD that will burn DVD's on a mac. I was looking at the OWC 	site and 
they describe a program called Describe by Charismac. Can anyone tell 
me whether this will work. Opinions. I am not up to doing the described 
"workaround." Won't Toast burn DVD's?

On Wednesday, January 8, 2003, at 09:48  PM, Thubten Kunga wrote:

> Alan,
> I found the guy who did a DVR-104 hack into the Cube on xlr8 this 
> evening. Someone posted here earlier and I tracked it down. You have 
> to be willing to run the Cube out of it's core with the optical 
> connectors dangled outside the frame and plugged directly into the 
> DVR-104 or 105. I'm gonna go for it. I care zero about aesthetics. My 
> Cube sits on the floor out of sight anyway.
Ann Billups
abillups at earthlink.net

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