[CUBE] Hard drive help please!

Meirion Roscoe roscoe at macunlimited.net
Thu Mar 6 00:57:35 PST 2003

Cracked it. Though God knows how.  I went into the disk utility and 
made like the thousand monkeys writing Shakespeare (i.e. hit every 
button about 10 times in combinations of 4) and the erase button did 
the trick.  It initialized the disk and placed it on the desk top.  I 
then was able to clone the firewire drive to the main drive and hey 
presto I'm up and running in a very eerie silence!  It just proves that 
if this banana fingered gibbon can do it, anyone can!  the only thing I 
didn't do - excitement took over, was partition the hard drive.  Why 
would I want to do this?   What are the advantages?

Thank you one and all for your help.  Sorry for being a simpleton.

Still not sure which jumper pins I should be using, it is set between 
upper slave and upper master still as per the drive I took out.


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