Just a quick shout, I stuck a redundant 7,200 rpm IBM Deskstar in the Cube last night along with a very cool Griffin serial port that gave life back to a cool Epson printer and moved desks with it. For the I have actually noticed more noise than less due the vibration of the case on the desk surface. It is a much thinner metal framed desk than before. I have noticed quite a few pictures of other Cubes sitting on mouse mats or the like, I guess that I am not alone in experiencing this. Has anyone else noted it? Everything went back tight but I am a little concerned that this particular drive vibrates too much, as vibration is not good for component life. I'd like to voice support for Carbon Clone Copier [ http://bombich.com/ ], it is a lifesaver and Mike Bombich deserves a " Maccy " for his services to the Mac Community. It even automatically incorporates the native Unix psync into an easy GUI interface, downloading the necessary BSD if you do not have it. Brilliant, brilliant work. Check out his Tips and FAQ for simply spelled out stuff like move your OS X swapfiles to a separate disk to improve virtual memory performance. [ The same as pointing Virtual Memory to a separate " scratch " partition or drive in OS 9 ] John