Meirion Roscoe roscoe at macunlimited.net
Sun Mar 23 12:31:22 PST 2003

> As an aside, I know that we are all great fans of the super silent 
> Barracuda
> IVs, but that humming vibration Cube I had problems with was caused by 
> a IBM
> Deskstar. I have two GXP 60 Deskstar, a 40 and a 60, bought a year or 
> so ago
> when they were considered the bees knees in terms of speed and comfort 
> but,
> boy, are they whiney and cause vibrations. I noticed this even in a 
> tower.
> The humming was cause by the drive in a Cube on a metal legged desk 
> that
> unfortunately hit resonance point. Pick it up, the noise disappears, 
> put it
> down it hummed like mad. Tightened up all the Torx screws [ thank you 
> to the
> little bleeder for that hint ]  but it made no different.
> Anyone else had this problem? Shame the clean looks are going to have 
> to be
> spoilt by a thick rubber mat until I can afford a fishy HD.
> I am wondering, given the lack of significant different in the 
> performance
> of 5,400 and 7,200 rpm drives, and given the advantage of the 5,400 
> being
> cooler and supposedly longer lasting, whether it might not be better to
> stick with them?
> John
I have a Western digital 120GB HD with an 8Mb cache an it really is the 
dog's penis in terms of silence and heat output.  My cube is standard 
apart from a RAM maxing though so take that last comment as you will.  
I did a similar thing to you (used a 30GB firewire external drive, with 
a lot of help from this list, for the transfer) and it really is quite 
straightforward.  Carbon copy Cloner is a wonder app considering it's 

Put it simply, if a banana fingered gibbon such as myself can do it, 
anyone can!



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