Last week I purchased from the "Apple Store" the iSight camera and with its microphone and firewire connection for my Cube. I was somewhat surprised to find that the program required to run this equipment was "iChat AV Beta" -- a "beta" program that must be downloaded. Also last week I downloaded and installed a new operating system upgrade MacOS 10.2.8. (Although I was happy with MacOS 10.2.6) When I downloaded iChat AV Beta with the 10.2.8 system my HD cashed all the way to the gray "Apple" with a little black box "1/4 inch by 2 inch" over it. I think this is a so called "Kernel Panic". On attempts to re-start, the start buttons flash about ten times, then the gray "Apple" and the little black box reappear. My HD will not boot from any CD (with "c" key), or by using any other trick. I found that there is simply no way to boot an "iChat AV Beta with the 10.2.8 system" HD. I lost this weekend trying to get my Cube up and running again! My only choice was to remove the 60 Gig Maxtor HD from my Cube (G4 450 MHz Cube, w/650 RAM) and to use another HD, the original 20 Gig Maxtor HD with MAC OS 10.2.6 that was not corrupted. (No way am I going to try the iChat AV beta again!!!) Now I understand that I must buy another Mac OS, the "Mac OS X Panther 10.3" for $129.00 on Oct. 24th, in order to - maybe - save my 60 Gig HD (now in an external drive), and all of those programs and drivers that are installed on it. I tried to re-install the 10.2, 10.2.6 then 10.2.8, it still will not boot when "startup disk" is set to the external drive. (Thanks to this Cube group I remembered to fix the little jumpers when swapping the HDs.) Now the 10.2.8 external HD gets stuck at the "gray" apple, no little black box and no little rolling circle. If I turn off the external, re-start with it off, more flashes then I get a tiny folder with "two Mac OS faces" alternating with "?". Resetting the PRAM ("p" "r" "option" "apple" "control" "shift" -- what ever), at least I think that did it-- I get the strangest screen I've ever seen on a Cube. A "return arrow" and a "go forward arrow" and a white box. I accidentally realized then if I type dots appear in the white box. If I type my password, the darn thing boots. It would have been real nice for that screen to give you some sort of clue what it is and what to do! Come on -- I spent an entire weekend getting my Cube to work again. These days, the whole family depends on this little gadget with its keyboard, display & mouse, internet connection/Cable modem, printer, scanner, CD/DVD read/writer, digital camera card reader, emergency HD, Firewire and USB Hubs, with all of those power supplies and wires, it looks like a snake pit behind my flat screen display! I think this is a terrible way to create "planned obsolescence" e.g. destroy the HD with MAC OS 10.2.8 so Mac users will have to buy MAC OS 10.3. The iSight should have been bundled with Mac OX 10.3 (hopefully with an iChat AV program that WORKS), prior to marketing. To knowingly sell something that everyone at Apple must know will destroy the Mac user's computer's HD is beyond the pale.