[CUBE] Would a Cube boot with no screen connected (under OS9)

macjedi at mac.com macjedi at mac.com
Mon Feb 23 08:36:31 PST 2004

On 2/23/04 at 9:39 AM, George Pepper <pep27 at mac.com> did send into the ether:

> Now you've clouded the issue again... Are said G4's running OS 9?... If 
> so, do they have the box that it is said is required to "fool" OS 9 
> into thinking that a monitor is attached?...

What little box is that? There is nothing hooked up to the G4's video card.

> Finally, is it a Server version of OS 9 you are running? ;^)...

No, straight OS 9.2.2.


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