David, Thanks once again for your precious infos. So I presume you've also installed a SuperDrive (MCE or OWC?)... this way you had to put your hard disk set to slave and lost the FireWire Target Disk feature, right? Nice to hear you have no problems with your fresh Giga 1.3 GHz. It gives me the strength to start thinking of a new upgrade :) LM >>> David.Lambourn at blueyonder.co.uk - 2004/09/30 11:11 AM >>> Luis, I'll attach my system profile report off list. All ports work as normal - I am backing up to a LaCie Firewire disk, no problems. USB sound inputs / outputs OK. I checked using a USB hub just to make sure - that was OK, but I do not normally use it. No problems with Airport. I have a DVD writer (internal) it writes CDs OK, I haven't checked for DVD writing. System Profiler recognizes the chip and its speed. The OS9 patch seems straightforward: select the patch on the firmware installer disk after installation of the new chip, and restart. That's it. My UMAX Astra 6400 (FireWire) scanner works as normal. Zip disks 100/250 OK Synchronizes Palm with iCal, Mail, etc all OK. No file corruption detected. As I said earlier, I no longer need to boot into OS9 so I have not implement the boot patch - but Classic works fine - I use it when I want to open some large complicated documents written in Nisus 6.5 - their OSX version is not yet up to all the facilities used in the old version! No problems - but Classic loads very quickly! David.