[Cube] Mac mini-- 1 GB memory upgrade = US$425 !!!

George Pepper pep27 at mac.com
Wed Jan 12 19:54:39 PST 2005

Never tried it with the Cube, but my Xserve has no provision for an AirPort card, so I got the little Macsense USB 802.11 dealy-bob and it works great.  Better reception than any of my AirPort equipped computers.

On Wednesday, January 12, 2005, at 06:45PM, phoenix <phoenix at cybernothing.org> wrote:

>>> BTW, they do not tell you if the older Airport cards will work with
>>> the mini (in case you really do not need Extreme).  Gotta wait for
>>> more info on the net.
>    This begs a question I don't think I've seen yet: Has anyone tried using
>a USB antenna (Linksys, for instance) with the Cube? It would seem a rather
>quick and easy means of getting 802.11g to work... Unless, that is, it
>doesn't. :)
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