[Cube] Airport

Donald Schwab deschwab at descom-usa.com
Mon Mar 14 02:58:19 PST 2005

Full agreement.  I have two switches at different locations on my 
network, and never once have had to boot one.  Take a chance, Steve!


On Mar 13, 2005, at 17:11, atoa at krak.net wrote:

> On Sun, 13 Mar 2005, Steve Goldstein wrote:
>> My wife has been running a Cube with the old Airport card off our 
>> home network (Linksys wireless router) for over a year with 
>> absolutely NO problems.  The only reason we use wireless for her (and 
>> for her new wireless hp inkjet printer) is that I ran out of Ethernet 
>> ports on my router and did not want to have to add an Ethernet switch 
>> to the mix (just one more thing to have to reboot when the ISP 
>> service calls for a reboot).
> A switch doesn't need to be rebooted any more than a toaster does. You 
> plug it in, and it goes. Adding one to the mix is simple.
>> --Steve
>> At 12:13 PM -0500 3/13/05, phoenix wrote:
>>> Quoth Bob Hasselbrink :
>>>> Which Airport Card should be installed in a Cube?
>>>> Is it 802.11g compliant or only 802.11b?
>>>    Plain old dull boring increasingly hard to find 802.11b Airport 
>>> card.
>>> The newer Airport Extreme (802.11g) just won't fit.
>>> A.J.
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  Donald E. Schwab
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