[Cube] dial-up wireless router.

George Pepper pep27 at mac.com
Fri Sep 30 05:30:28 PDT 2005

Just a note on the AirPort BS.  I thought mine was toast (Snow/Dual Ethernet), but what it turned out needing was a "Hard Reset".  This has happened about once every six months since the last firmware update.  Apple has never acknowledged a problem with the most recent firmware in conjunction with the older dual ethernet snow BS, but it worked perfectly for YEARS before that particular update, and s*** the bed immediately afterward.  I just keep it connected to my main computer with an ethernet cable now, so whenever t starts f'ing up, I can just reset it and start over.  Then it's fine... for another six months.

You may want to try that with your BS.  I know I'm not the only one who has figured this out.


George A Pepper BM MM
"The Alps of Texas", USA
On Friday, September 30, 2005, at 03:54AM, Nicolas <ndk at nbnet.nb.ca> wrote:

>Went from high speed to dialup. My airport BS is on the fritz and I 
>can't find a router (3rd) party that I can use to connect all the 
>computers in my new home (they're all made for high speed nowadays). To 
>boot. there is little of an attic to pass wires in order to connect the 
>4 computers in the house.
>Does anybody know where to get a dialup router or would anyone have one 
>to sell or give away?
>BTW, I'd like to thank the good soul that sent me a modem for my Cube in 
>the mail. Can't access his email because my Pismo is on the blink and 
>all correspondence was done through the PB.
>Anyway, thanks, you know who you are:)
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