George Paterson <geordiep at> is struggling to up to Leopard. George, my Cube died a while back, and I had to grab a MacBook pro fast. It currently runs 6 partitions, one of which is a 10.4.11 setup, and the other 10.5.4 Every so often I boot into 10.5, but within 20-30 minutes I'm tearing my hair, then rebooting into 10.4 so as to get back to work without the hassles and frustrations. My recommend? Toatally ignore 10.5, it's naught but bad code and semi M$ glitz and facades. Mind you, it is certainly is fast under an Intel chip - which basically means it hits the wall faster! 10.4.11 is a great stable workhorse, with just the normal (sic) OS X frustrations. Re-flog your Leopard package, sit back, and see if Apple's ex-M$ Windows programmers (thick on the ground these days according to my private source) manage to sort OS X and clear the huge backlog of lousy program code in 10.x when they release 10.6 (yet another Apple hand in our pockets!) Just my hard bitten penny's worth, FWIW -- Jen Cluse Brisbane Oz "The economy is 'me', the environment is us."