This brings up a question I've wondered about: Is there ANY Cube- compatible video card that will run a 30" Cinema HD Display's 2,560x1,600 resolution? The reason I ask is that the current 30" CHD is about to be discontinued, so the prices will then drop, at which point I'd like to get one (If for no other reason than to use one with my G5). A 30" CHD is no 42" plasma display, but it is plenty big enough for my small living room, at which point I could set up a Cube as my media machine... if there's a video card that will fit the Cube that runs the 30" CHD, that is. If you upgrade the Cube to OS X 10.5.6 and use a USB Bluetooth do-dad, you could then use one of those nifty new Apple Wireless Keyboards without the alphanumeric keypad for a remote. They are very small and very, very cool looking and feeling. Geo On Mar 20, 2009, at 6:57 AM, Riba wrote: > On Fri, 20 Mar 2009 12:38 +0100, "Luis Meleiro" <luis_meleiro at > > > wrote: > >>> It might be easier to go the VGA route... >> VGA signal is weaker/distortioned in depth colour when connected to >> an >> LCD, isn't it!? > > Well, the VGA/composite is an analog signal, and there is some quality > loss in the conversion and cabling. DVI/HDMI is pure digital, hance no > signal loss there. But if you are not into all this HDTV thing (and > you > are not since Cube is not able to play it :)), it is not a major cause > for concern. >