To answer question one, the adhesive vinyls most recommended to me by other modders are those found at various hobby shops. If you have a model R/C shop nearby, I would start there, as they carry auto hobby shop would also be likely to carry such. The hobby shops also bring me to an answer for question two: steer clear of Krylon. Not that it's a bad paint; there are just better choices, the best of which is Pactra, a polycarbonate-based paint. You definitely want to sand the surface of your 2400's casing down first. After that, lay down a thin layer of paint, allow it to dry, sand it, then add a second thin layer. You may even want a third layer. Remember to keep the layers as thin as possible, which is to say, not so thin that you rub through them in sanding, but thin sanded layers will result in a cleaner, glossier, more resilient finish. I believe the best grit for such a purpose is 600? It's been a while since I've done this (I did this last with my S900 Tower), so feel free to correct me, folks, if I'm off on this. Trying to make cardbus cards work in an unmodded 2400 is a no-go. VERY bad idea, especially considering the cardbus hack is as simple as it is. If you are willing to take your Comet apart to paint it, you may as well enable it for cardbus cards.