2400 PRAM battery: replacing a good idea?

Marc Sira toh at victoria.tc.ca
Tue Feb 11 10:45:09 PST 2003

> The only suspicious symptom I get is occasional GLOD when I let it go to
> sleep on its own while running on battery. I've always been able to get it
> to come back after a few battery removal/ac adapter/power button
> manipulations.
> Will replacing the PRAM battery help this issue, or make it worse by
> retaining bad power manager settings? (I see at the website that some folks
> solve GLOD by discharging the PRAM battery on purpose.)

I suspect in your case a new PRAM battery will be helpful, and all but
eliminate your problems. What you describe isn't really an "of death"
syndrome, but rather pretty much what's supposed to happen when the 2400
can't retain it's Power Manager code. There probably isn't any underlying
hardware issue (save the incipient ones that I believe may affect all 2400s,
but you can't do much about that).

Marc Sira		|	toh at victoria.tc.ca
If you can't play with words, what good are they?

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