HELP...I'm going nutz trying to fix this 2400!!! Message #4

Paul Miller pauljosephmiller at
Sun Nov 9 13:34:50 PST 2003


Solution option #1 (message #3) is going that well.  I
have attempted to boot from a external scsi CDrom that
has worked well in the past but I'm not having much
luck.  I wram boot the 2400c while holding down the
"c" key continually through the boot process.  The
light on the CDrom blips a couple of times when the
2400 starts up, then the happy mac, then the internal
HD reads and I'm back to the previously loaded 9.0.4. 
Why won't it boot from the CDrom?  
Could this whole thing be some kind of
software/instruction problem?  I still think isn't a
matter of bad ram/then not enough ram.  But why is it
not booting from the CD on command?

Perplexed and befuddled,

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