HELP...I'm going nutz trying to fix this 2400!!! Message #3...please read.

Paul Miller pauljosephmiller at
Sun Nov 9 12:39:19 PST 2003

Hi again,

Firstly, Ralph, thanks for the speedy reply. I
appreciate any and all help.  This list is fantastic
because of it's members.

Second.  I just realized I don't get many messages a
day..that's been going on for quite a while.  I also
belong to the newton list and get 30 or more messges
in 24 hours but the 2400 list only produces on average
5?  Am I missing any mailings (I never look at the
archives)?  What is the average volume?

Onto the subject at hand.
I stated the computer doesn't recognize the 64mb
module.  I can't remember where I bought it (months
ago-I'll try to find the receipt) established
online memory-for-mac store that listers have had luck
with but now I'm doubting if it is for the 2400 even
though it physically fits.  I replaced it with the
96mb board I thought may have still worked.  The thing
starts and spins up but after waiting longer than I
think would have been necessary to check ram (minutes)
the screen is still blank.  So I figure it's bad
although I didn't think that memory modules failed
that much. So I took it out and now I'm back to 16mb
with not-enough-memory errors.  By the way I didn't
mention that I'm running os9.0.4 so it obviously is
not enough memory (probably didn't make it clear).

Conclusion from a non-computer person that scored
"average" in logic and problem solving college
1. There probably isn't a physical problem with the
interface/slot for additional ram or it would have
defaulted to the same low memory problem with any
memory PCB working or not. 
2. The 96mb is unfortunately dead (unfortunate since I
paid the original price and they're hard to find...and
I really wanted that much memory)
3. The 64mb card I bought recently either is not for
the 2400c (even though it physically fits) or is
faulty.  This is dissapointing since I bought it from
a reputable business that listed it as compatible and
other lister(s) recommended the business...but I can't
remember the name.

1.  Work with 16mb: smaller OS (8.0 maybe?) and limit
my use. Goal:  back to wireless surfing with IE and a
farallon card.  
2.  See if any listers are willing to part with an
xtra 64 (or 96mb) card PROVEN TO WORK in the 2400c and
at a REASONABLE PRICE.  This may limit me to a 
64mb card but at least I could run a more current OS. 
I'm obviously trying to NOT SPEND MUCH MORE.
3. ???

Thanks all,

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