Hello list, I have floppy originals for FAXstf, GlobalFax and FAXcilitate. I am planning on using a PB Duo230 I have as a fax/voicemail machine. Which of these bundles is the best to use for fax? Also, do any of you know of a good voicemail system available to run on this 68K machine? I will be installing 7.6.1 on it tonight (I hope). PS : I have 3 duo batteries that will not recondition. Are they no good or do I need a special recharger to replenish them? Thanks in advance. Sincerely, R. McFarlane cross platform specialist Mac - Linux - windows McFarlane Computing on-site/remote tutorials, support & training (phone) 391-8972 (fax) 391-8972 (pager) 413-8577 (email) techie @ mcfarlanecomputing . net