Well, finally got it working! Searched google groups and it seems like many people were having problems with Apple's 8.6 update way back whenever it was released. I had been trying to d/l it with Safari and Speed Download 2. Based on some of the newsgroup postings, I disabled Speed Download and d/l'd it via IE...viola...unstuffed and mounted just fine! Anyway, I updated my 8.5 Comet to 8.6 and that went smoothly. Then proceeded to run the Orinoco 7.2 installer, but it wouldn't install anything. The installer ran and let me click on Install, but the only thing it would install was the user license document and installer log on the desktop (the log, of course, was blank b/c it didn't install anything). Luckily, all the installer does is place the control panel and various extensions into their proper folders. So, I was just able to do that manually and restart and run the Set-Up Assistant via the Orinoco control panel. Had to do some minor tweaking via the TCP/IP control panel and it finally worked! I'm able to surf wirelessly on the Comet thanks to you guys and Derek Miller's awesome document. Thanks again!