2300 VS 230 Re: [Duo2400] Re: FS: 2400c floppy drive, no cable

Gregg Eshelman g_alan_e at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 24 03:29:18 PDT 2003

--- Edwin Morrow <morrow.edwin at sympatico.ca> wrote:
> What's the difference between a 2300 and a 230 duo
> in both function and age.

The 2300 has a PowerPC CPU and in factory form had a
color screen and a touchpad.

Apple also designed the 2300 parts to be used for
upgrading most of the Duo line so the mainboard is
compatable with all previous Duo screens.

The 230 has a 68030 CPU and a greyscale screen of
640x400 pixels and a trackball like all other Duos
except the 2300.

Many owners of 2300's have cannibalized other Duos
to replace the top case so the trackball can be
fitted in place of the touchpad.

The 2300 needs a Duo Dock Plus or Duo Dock II. The
"Plus" is a misnomer because it actually has less
features than the II. Fitting a II or Plus lid to an
original Duo Dock will allow use with a 2300 or any
Duo with a color screen, which is thicker than the
monochrome or greyscale screens.

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