[Duo2400] Re: Palm sync problems

bayoubuddies at sbcglobal.net bayoubuddies at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jan 13 14:15:19 PST 2004

"R. McFarlane" <duolist at mcfarlanecomputing.net> wrote on 1/12/04 7:55 

At 11:59 AM 1/12/2004, Paul Nelson, had this to say :

         Or install the GV 500/Duo PowerPort software?
Paul Nelson

Nope. Unfortunately, because Palm Desktop only sees the internal modem, 
when I had the PowerPort software loaded it looped answering the 
connection when the serial monitor was on.

Again, thank you for double checking. :)


       Keep trying,  I got my palm destop. 2300 and powerport modem all 
working together at one time.  I even had the Avantgo sync  working 
with it, which would mean all ports were being recognized.

      I have not used it for awhile but I could check the settings for 

Good Luck,


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