>>Does the sleep LED blink ? If you dont even get the screen to >>power on, you may have the dreaded....GLOD. > >The sleep LED blinks. And I've hooked up an external monitor to the >PB, and it turns out not to be wiped at all (I only had the GF's >word that it had been wiped, actually it's fully loaded with MacOS 9 >and a memory upgrade and all kinds of coolness, including the >deceased BF's personal files, which I'll be getting the hell rid of, >yeesh). > >But the screen and the PB aren't talking to each other, it seems. >So, shall I google for GLOD, or can you tell me what it means? ;) > > - LA Hmmm.... that is a good sign. The GLOD is the dreaded Green Light Of Death, which can indicate either the need for a power manager reset (easy) or a hardware problem (power board or CPU - bad). Your problem could be as simple as the LCD cable being not quite set properly. In which case, taking off the keyboard should show you if this is true. www.genchan.com has some tear down instructions. Worst case, you might need a new screen, which arent too expensive on ebay. Mad Dog